Well, hello guys! My first post, here
So, I'm doing a racing game for a college project and I'm planning on do a Isometric race track.
The problem is, when the track is created, I don't want to my car to walk on it's borders like Jesus or something like this, so I was thinking if it's possible to make a collision check with
Because I already have the tracks on the game (I did it like a tilemap), but it's impossible to make a tilemap collision, once the tiles are big, isometric and cover the ground and the border of the track. I saw the "getBounds()" method on the class, but I don't know what it returns in case of linestrip.
So, I would apreciate if you guys could help me to do a border with linestrip or give me better ways of doing this issue with another class/fuction, like ConvexShape or whatever
For a better explanation, I attached 2 files:
The first one it's the map as it is (Don't complain about it's quality, I know it's lame, but I'll improve it
The second one it's the map, divided by it's tiles and with a YELLOW LINESTRIP, that could represent my idea of "Borders" that the car can't trespass;
Obs: Sorry about the bad english, it is not my native language
Obs: I have a car SpriteSheet example, if you guys need it