Hello everyone,
I'm trying since few days to install SFML on my computer in order to use it with Code::blocks on my windows 7.
A long way was wainting for me and I think I've done the most part of it.
I've installed Cmake, mingw and codeblocks. Downloaded SFML sources (from
http://sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.1/, the last link : "All Source code").
Then I followed the tutorial
http://sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/compile-with-cmake-fr.php to compile SFML.
I did it because when following this tutorial :
http://sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.1/start-cb.php , I got an error saying it was 'Impossible to find the begginning of the _gxx... procedural" something like this.
So I followed point to point the tutorial to compile it and in the end, the SFML was succefully compiled.
But I see that the result is far to be the expected :
-There is no directory named "bin", the ".dll" are in the directory "lib" with the ".a" files.
-The is no "include" directory (only what you can see on the screenshot)
-The under-directories of the compiled SFML are full of "Cmake[...]" files.
To compile I used the command "mingw32-make all".
Could you help me solve this ?
Thank you for reading.