I compiled the latest source from github and this happens when I use the Sprite class.
Specifically when I try to draw the sprite. If I comment that part out, it'll run without any problems.
namespace ForScience
{ class Program
{ static void Main
(string[] args
) { using(var rWindow
= new RenderWindow
(new VideoMode
"For science!", Styles
.Close)) { Sprite spr
= new Sprite
(new Texture
("spr_cannon_barrel.png")); rWindow
.Closed += (sender, e
) => { rWindow
.Close(); }; while(rWindow
.IsOpen) { rWindow
.DispatchEvents(); rWindow
.Clear(new Color
255)); rWindow
); rWindow
.Display(); } } } }} The image is copied to build directory along with the extlibs and all libs are properly referenced.