This was one of my very first programs (late January 2014) back when I had no idea what an std::vector was and I was using an SFML that I tried to build myself (which failed badly and ended up having no debug libraries and other problems).
Oh, and yes, I learnt c++ and SFML at the same time

All of these sprites were animating from a sprite sheet at different frame rates, the red ball and the Manic Miner sprites were circling (technically, ellipsing), the Smurf could be moved using the mouse, and the runner on the right could be moved using the arrow keys.

The program was one file, 400 lines long - half of which are in the window loop. It also used #define for global constants.
Programming style/techniques aside, I believe that this program is the one that made me get a basic grip of SFML. Enough to use it anyway