Hi, I tried the following code. It produces a screen with 100 x 150 pixels. But the problem is, I cannot see the title bar. But when I try to click the area where the close button should be located, it prints "closing", meaning that the handling of events function correctly but the title bar really won't show. I'm using Ubuntu Hardy.
int main() {
cout << "Starting..." << endl;
WindowSettings settings;
settings.DepthBits = 32;
settings.StencilBits = 8;
settings.AntialiasingLevel = 2;
VideoMode mode(100, 150, 32);
RenderWindow window(mode, "SFML Window", Style::Close, settings);
while (window.IsOpened() && running) {
//listen for events
Event event;
while (window.GetEvent(event)) {
// a key is pressed
if (event.Type == Event::KeyPressed) {
} else if (event.Type == Event::Closed) {
cout << "closing" << endl;
cout << "Exiting..." << endl;