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Author Topic: Moonman (my sfml game has been funded on kickstarter!)  (Read 30153 times)

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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2015, 11:44:41 pm »
Those pixels are beautiful. Well done! I have a question concerning the lighting system. How is it implemented in your engine?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 01:17:36 am by cepro »


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2015, 12:55:31 am »
Thanks cepro. There's a few posts on my devlog about the lighting system, google is the easiest way to check it out I think:

It's a simple 2D grid-based simulation (like a CA)  where light flows out from lit tiles and loses energy as it crawls through the space. Lighting is cached, is stored locally in 16x16 chunks, and only recomputes when necessary. It actually works quite similar to the fluid and fire system. Happy to answer any specific Q's.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 01:17:51 am by eXpl0it3r »


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2015, 06:23:14 pm »
If I sign up to a publisher, then they distribute everything for me, but without one I would then have to maintain builds and push updates across all the platforms. But I'll definitely consider each one of those, thanks for the info :)

I would be very cautious about signing with a publisher.

First off, you probably don't need one.  The KS looks to be going well, I doubt you'll have any problem getting greenlit, and the game looks great.

Secondly, there's a lot of indie+publisher horror stories.  You'll pretty much have to hand over the keys to the finances of your game.  They get paid, then send you money.  Except, they don't always send you money. 

Third, it doesn't look like you need any money to finish the game, given how far into dev you are, and provided the KS is successful.

Publishers were a necessary evil in the days when they held the keys to major distribution channels.  For PC games, this is no longer true at all.

The ONLY way I'd even consider a publisher is:
  • You receive glowing recommendations from other indies who signed with the publisher
  • You receive hard guarantees in your contract that they are going to do a whole whack of marketing
  • You, or someone you know is highly proficient at reading contracts, and can find all the "gotchas" that most publishers embed in the legalese.
  • You absolutely hate handling business stuff, so much so that you'll trust a stranger to do it for you

« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 06:25:05 pm by Jabberwocky »


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 01:03:11 am »
Thanks for the comments Jabberwocky, I'll keep that in mind. Basically I imagined a publisher could do these things, which I *could* do but would prefer not to:
- marketing
- demoing and promoting the game in the states (I live in australia)
- distribution
- interviews and general promo stuff

Like everything about indie dev, yeah I can do it myself but it's *very* time consuming and demoralising. I'm going to be cautious about who I sign up with (if anyone) and will be very mindful of the contract. In fact, I've staved off signing up to a publisher for the whole last year because of my reticence.

Thanks again :)


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 03:36:56 pm »
Glad to share, eigenbom.

Basically I imagined a publisher could do these things, which I *could* do but would prefer not to

I totally get it.  As an indie, you're already tackling a ridiculous amount of work.  Even more so for you because you're handling code + art.

Still, let's look at what you want to pass off to a publisher:

If a publisher is willing to spend some money, fair enough (but get the exact responsibilities in writing).  This is probably/hopefully something they're good at. 

Then again, what (likely?) may happen is they just throw up a few banner ads and press releases.  Stuff you may have to provide the content (art, feature blurb, screen shots, press kit, etc) for anyway.  If you took the sales % that you have to pay out to the publisher, and just use that yourself to buy some ad space, it might easily go just as far or further without too much work.

demoing and promoting the game in the states (I live in australia)
Tough one.
You're missing out big-time passing up any opportunity to demo the game yourself, and watch people play it.  You'll learn more about your game doing that than almost anything else.  Also, people will respond far more positively to meeting the developer than some publisher suit.

Personally, I'd prefer not to demo the game at all at a trade show, if I (or a trusted co-worker) couldn't be there myself.

Yeah, they should be good at this.
The only downside here is losing the opportunity to make these contacts yourself, which will be valuable in your own future career as an indie.

interviews and general promo stuff
Most media, and especially indie sites, aren't going to be too interested in talking to a publisher.  They want to talk to the folks who made the game.

I know I'm painting a dismal picture here.  And there's so many hours in the day.  Another option might be to bring in another team member who can help with other tasks to free up some of your time.  Maybe an engineer who can handle setting up all the builds for your various distribution platforms, and/or any ports (mac, linux, whatever).  Alternatively, hire a business guy who can handle contracts, accounting, general numbers stuff, and help with community and marketing (but try to do the interviews yourself).

This way, you still maintain ultimate control over your game and finances.

I'm going to be cautious about who I sign up with (if anyone) and will be very mindful of the contract.

Alright, here's the last bit of doom and gloom I'll cast out today.  ;)

Rule #1:  If it isn't in writing (contract), it means NOTHING.

Many publishers will make all sorts of promises while talking, emailing, skyping, or whatever.  They'll reassure your every concern.  They'll act like your best buddy. 

Don't buy it.

They might be lying.  They might be telling the truth, but circumstances change when the shit hits the fan.  The publisher could get into financial difficulty or even go bankrupt.  The guy who made all the promises might not even work at the publisher a few months down the road.  Get everything in writing.  If you have a concern, and they say, "no problem, don't worry about it", your immediate response should be "Great!  Let's put that in the contract".

Ok, rant over.   ;D
Apologies for taking up so much space in your project thread.

If you do self-publish, just make damn sure your game is stable and well tested before you release.  This will allow you to switch gears into marketing and distribution mode once the game is ready for release.  There's always going to be some fires to fight, but you don't want to deal with a buggy mess and handle a game release at the same time.  I know this is obvious, but it can't be stressed enough.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:27:58 pm by Jabberwocky »


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2015, 04:24:49 pm »
Hei!! Good job.

As you i'm working in a game. I have been programming one year in order to make a kickstarter in the future. It will be an action rpg but I don't want to make any presentation because I'm using graphics that are not mine and i must work more in scripting, enemys and particles, when I finish the demo with a town and a dungeon and final boss i will publish it in forums to get feedback and then make the kickstarter.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:27:16 pm by Carlitox »


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2015, 06:35:39 pm »
When it comes to publishers make sure it is in writing with their signature in blood and the whole conversation is recorded on a recorder somewhere.  Some of these guys will try to trick you just to get your game and sell it for their own profit.  Do everything they'll hate, force them to put things in writing and record it on a reorder too. :)  These guys don't like being held up to their end of the contract and might want you gone in any number of ways to solely profit from it so countering them with a lot of things that make it so they have to hold up their end is always a good idea.

I have many ideas but need the help of others to find way to make use of them.


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2015, 09:18:52 pm »
Jabberwocky -- you make some really good points, I've noted them down to consider later. :)

Thanks everyone for the support, the project is 25% funded!! I hope I can keep up the crazy pace, although I'm starting to lose sleep :D :D


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2015, 10:25:49 pm »
Are you going to make donations with paypal available if the kickstarter is through?


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2015, 11:01:51 pm »
Yep, will do!


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2015, 11:22:23 pm »
Wonderful, can't donate right now, but will do as soon as paypal is up :D


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2015, 10:21:33 am »
Thank you for your answer :) I will check that out :) And by the way I was reading you Kickstarter page and noticed that it's not clearly mentioned that you're running a Steam Greenlight campaign at the same time. Maybe what you need is that big "Help get us on STEAM" banner. In my opinion that will help you drive the traffic to your Steam Greenlight page. :)


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2015, 06:09:32 pm »
Looks beautiful. I love the quirky music and the ambiance. I can't wait to see it on Steam. Do you mind if I ask what you use to make sound effects / music?
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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2015, 10:20:02 pm »
Thanks everyone! The campaign is going really well so far.

Thanks cepro -- I'll emphasize the greenlight some more. To be honest, the greenlight campaign is much less of a priority, but it would definitely get Moonman boosted up to the top 100 using the KS traffic.

NullP - Thx! The music in the trailer was composed by Aliceffekt, but the more ambient music in the game was composed by FightTheDawn. The sound effects I've got in the game at the moment are basically just free sfx I got from various sites, including freesound.


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Re: Moonman (my sfml game is on kickstarter!)
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2015, 11:29:01 pm »
I can't say how much I'm hyped for this game, I saw it by pure coincidence on tigsource in its humble beginings when i searched for something and fell in love at first sight :D

Still have to laugh everytime I think about the houselegs running gag :D

