Well I tried things and they didn't work out.
I reviewed my old SFML Game Development Book Tutorial Project.
There I found this piece within the "AircraftMover.cs"
public override void UpdateCurrent(Time dt)
this.Transform.Translate(velocity * dt.AsSeconds());
I'm using this but the Translate() method isn't working properly.
I implemented it as followed:
public override void UpdateCurrent(Time dt)
this.Transform.Translate(50.0f, 0.0f);
Debug log:
.Position = new Vector2f
.0f, 330
)this.Transform = {[Transform] Matrix(1, 0, 20,0, 1, 330,0, 0, 1, )}
this.Transform = {[Transform] Matrix(1, 0, 20,0, 1, 330,0, 0, 1, )}
this.Transform = {[Transform] Matrix(1, 0, 20,0, 1, 330,0, 0, 1, )}
this.Transform = {[Transform] Matrix(1, 0, 20,0, 1, 330,0, 0, 1, )}
this.Transform = {[Transform] Matrix(1, 0, 20,0, 1, 330,0, 0, 1, )}
as you can see no change had happened there :/ why is that? If I could fix this I think I have a solution!