Well, that did the trick. All this time it was only because of the double quotes. It was the Programmer's Semicolon Syndrome all over again (No need to google that, I made it up. But you know what it means.
@eXpl0it3r: You know what I meant by IntelliSense. Like Laurent pointed out, it was auto-completion. Didn't really know the exact terminology. And I did read about linking, I could link Box2D libraries perfectly fine.
@Laurent: Thanks for telling me that. I have written code and tried to compile it, but I am getting an error saying,
C:\Users\WDR\Documents\Qt\RTS_Resource_Manager\RTS_Resource_Manager.cpp:3: error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Graphics.hpp': No such file or directory
The include path in the .pro file is updated to show,
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Users/WDR/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/SFML-2.0/include/SFML"
DEPENDPATH += "C:/Users/WDR/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/SFML-2.0/include/SFML"
That is the only problem I am getting. Please tell me why this is happening. Thank you so far for all the help.