Thank you so much for your reply.
Actualy I did some changes but didn't post ...
#include <windows.h>
#include <list>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
sf::RenderWindow window( sf::VideoMode( 400, 200), "Server" );
sf::TcpListener listener ;
listener.setBlocking( false);
sf::TcpSocket peer[2] ;
peer[0].setBlocking( false );
peer[1].setBlocking( false );
int max_peers = 0 ;
std::list <sf::Packet> first_buffer_pack ;
std::list <sf::Packet> second_buffer_pack ;
sf::Packet peer_pack ;
sf::Font font ;
font.loadFromFile( "Sansation.ttf" );
sf::Text text ;
text.setFont( font );
text.setCharacterSize( 20 );
text.setColor( sf::Color::White );
text.setString( "Waiting for peers..." );
while( window.isOpen( ))
sf::Event event ;
window.pollEvent( event );
if( event.type == sf::Event::Closed )
window.close( );
if( max_peers < 2 )
listener.listen( 31111 );
if( listener.accept( peer[max_peers]) == sf::Socket::Done )
text.setString( "Peers conected - " + std::to_string( max_peers+1 ));
max_peers++ ;
if( peer[0].receive( peer_pack ) == sf::Socket::Done )
text.setString( "First peer has send a pack." );
first_buffer_pack.push_back( peer_pack );
peer_pack.clear( );
if( first_buffer_pack.size( ) > 0 && max_peers == 2 )
if( peer[1].send( first_buffer_pack.front( )) == sf::Socket::Done )
first_buffer_pack.pop_front( );
text.setString( "A pack to the second peer has been send." );
if( peer[1].receive( peer_pack ) == sf::Socket::Done )
text.setString( "Second peer has send a pack." );
second_buffer_pack.push_back( peer_pack );
peer_pack.clear( );
if( second_buffer_pack.size( ) > 0 && max_peers == 2 )
if( peer[0].send( second_buffer_pack.front( )) == sf::Socket::Done )
second_buffer_pack.pop_front( );
text.setString( "A pack to the first peer has been send." );
window.clear( );
window.draw( text );
window.display( );
return 0 ;
Now the server accept 2 connections and if one peer sends a pack it will remain in the buffer until the next peer will connect.Next I will handle disconnections and after was thinking to put all this code in some class and that way the server will handle multiple peers.As I said I do this for fun but I will return with some updates

Thank you so much !