pretty good for a first game! now you just need some sounds and a highscore list.
btw if you need sounds, you could look here:
Can you use Creative Commons licensed sounds in commercial projects? If so, what is the protocol?
That's a great resource if you can.
BTW - Great little game. You just need to have a display of how many lives you have left, unless I didn't understand how it works. Maybe it's all based on how many points you have?
Depends on which version of the creative commons license! Check out this page esp. the section "Other licenses" and the Sampling+ license
or from the freesounds site:
1. When using samples from the freesound you need to 'attribute' the use of these samples. All samples you download are prefixed by their ID so you can easily find them again on freesound. There's also the "attribution page" which lists all samples you've downloaded in the past with their details (users attribution page). Failing to attribute samples is breaching copyright.
2. Do not use samples in ads/commercials. The Sampling+ license does not allow you to do this. However, you can easily contact the creator of the samples and get the right directly from them!
3. For anything else, see the legal aspects of freesound.