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Author Topic: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike  (Read 21082 times)

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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2015, 05:27:35 pm »

I know is hard to receive feedback just from some screenshots and gifs. That's why we are working hard to get the demo ready and receive real gameplay feedback from other players and improve the game.


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2015, 07:23:58 pm »
Progress Update!

We managed to get the cinematic scene system working! And implement it with lua scripts!  :)

The idea behind is very simple: Execute actions in order automatically without player intervention.

The actions can be anything, from move the player to some location, spawn some enemies, open/close doors, display texts, cast spells, etc.

Technically it was a challenge. How perform automatic actions while the game still running and doesn't get stuck? The logical answer is "threads".

When the player perfom a specific action (take an object, resolve a puzzle, enter in some area...) it activates a trigger who is waiting for a such action. This trigger lauches a thread that loads the lua scene script and execute it in paralel while the main thread still runs but in a some "stasis" mode, waiting for the thread to end.

Once the system is implemented and all the functions binded to lua, the next step is very easy. Write the scripts.

Here is a gif showing the pre-battle scene with a boss. The trigger is activated when the player enters the area and start the scene.

And here is the script for that scene:

-- BOSS pre fight
SCENE_100 = function() 
                Actor_MoveTo(0, 1392, 1248, SP.SLOW)
                Camera_MoveTo(1392, 1008, SP.SLOW)
                Actor_Face(0, DIR.NORTH)
                Actor_Say(1, "What a surprise! You managed to open the armory doors...", "red")
                Actor_Say(0, "Poor security for a heavy guarded location, but you're the boss", "white")
                Actor_Say(1, "It doesn't matter, you fool! My winter soldiers will kill you!", "red")
                Actor_Say(0, "I already killed a dozen to get here. They need better training", "white")
                Actor_Say(1, "Silence! My mace will crush your head!", "red")


The results are stunning, and this is a very simple script. More complex scenes can be done with even more actions and events  :)


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2015, 10:43:16 pm »
Sounds you like reimplemented coroutines. :)

It's looking good!


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2015, 10:58:16 pm »
I have  a similar "dialogue system" I wrote as proof of concept/for fun and it's not coroutines reimplementation, it's a piece of code that uses them.
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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2015, 11:44:53 pm »
There's no corutine reimplementation. All the heavy work is done in the c++ side, the lua functions are just intermediates between the script and the engine. That's why I use lua for this scenes and AI, for it's flexibilty and customization without hardcode anything.

The thread is launched by the engine, but who decide which actions execute is the script. I don't tend to reivent the wheel unless there 's a very good reason  ;)


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2015, 12:54:56 pm »

A good rpg must have a good crafting system that helps the hero in one way or another. The possibility of crafting your own items and improve it through the game is a good feature.

My idea of a good crafting system is to be simple, practical and especially useful. It's disappointing wasting time gathering ingredients when the object created sucks or didn't help you much. For that reason, all the items that can be made with crafting are very useful and powerful if used properly without being overpowered.

This are the alchemy tables where you can craft everything you want, if you have the necessary ingredients.

You can use alchemy in four different modes:


At the top of the panel are the four round buttons for selecting witch mode you want.

Below there's a list of all the potion recipes that you can craft. Selecting one will display it on the right side and tell you witch ingredients and how many cost to craft.

If you have enough, simply click the green button to craft it and put it directly in the inventory.

Potions gives useful effects for a short period of time. Increasing your damage, resistances, speed, or gives special and useful effects.

Here's a example of some potions effects:


Using a bow doesn't require special ammunition, always shot normal arrows. But you can change it with special arrows that do special effects when fired. This arrows are powerful and with limited quantity.

You can gather special arrows exploring the castle or in enemy drops, but the most practical way is crafting it. The effects vary depending on the arrow, some apply elemental effects on the target like burn, freeze, stun, etc. Others have area of effects like exploding arrows or cluster arrows that releases small bombs when impact.

Here's a example of some arrows effects:

When the special arrows ammunition is empty, you will shot normal arrows again until another arrows are equipped.


In this mode you can improve you gear giving it more stats of effects like life regeneration or elemental resistance.

Only items with enchant slot (the purple circle) can be enchanted, one enchant per slot. First select the item you want to enchant and a list of possible enchant will appear. Simply select the enchant and craft it, and you have a more powerful sword/armor.

High level items can drop with more enchant slots. Also the enchant effects scale up with your level, but when applied to a item, are permanent.

For example let's enchant this sword:

Whit this enchantment:

And the result is:


This is the easy way of getting ingredients. When you have weapons or armor that you don't want or its worst that you wear, you can recycle all the items you don't want and gain many ingredients in return.

The ingredients can vary depending of the type of the item and the effects already have.

Recycling an item will destroy it in the process, so be careful.

Using alchemy through the game will help you fighting and surviving some of the hard boss fights, and using potions and special arrows will make it more fun.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 12:57:40 pm by UroboroStudio »


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2015, 11:11:29 pm »
This is a SICK looking game! Keep it up!


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2015, 01:32:39 pm »
I'll start this post off with the fact that I don't like the art style. There; I said it.

That's just my person opinion, of course, and doesn't detract the fact that I think the game looks really well done. It seems to have a lot of depth to it and for that, I congratulate you.

Who knows, maybe the game's awesome too - probably is!  ;)
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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2015, 02:31:04 pm »
@pleaq Thanks!  :)

@Hapax Thanks! I appreciate your sincerity  :)

I'm just a programmer who wants to make a good game, and I feel very happy and confortable with the art I can make. I've been playing games for a long time. I miss the old way of doing games, like the graphic adventures of Lucasarts (Loom, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones...). Games that are remembered by their story, gameplay, mechanics, fun.

I prefer to spend my time and resources to improve things that can make the game more fun and better. Anyways I cannot afford a designer who make super realistic graphics or detailed pixel art.

My own game, my own art I suppose  :P


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2015, 11:22:10 am »
Keep up the good work!


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2015, 03:02:48 pm »
Thanks! Still more to come  ;)


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2015, 07:46:45 am »
Oh my God, this is gonna be awesome!!!
You do a very good stuff, and it look really amazing!
Keep going


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Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2015, 02:50:28 pm »
Thank you! :)

Currently I'm on vacation 8)

But when I come back I will post more details.

