Hello! I have used SFML for codeblocks for a while and now decided to switch to Visual Studio 2013. After trying for a few hours, I went here to adress my problem: When running the program, the console shows up and then a box comes up saying:
Cannot find the procedureentrypoint ??1CircleShaoe@sf@@UAE@XZ in the DLL-file c:\users\anton\documents\visual studio 2013\MegaProject\Release\MegaProject.exe
Here's my code:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
return 0;
This has never happened to me so I have no clue what's going on here
What should I do to fix this? Thanks!
Btw, I am NOT using a static thingy to try to skip using DLL files. Though I tried it and it didn't work either