Hi! i have a problem with keyboard... in some devices when i show the keyboard it get stuck... you can't type anything (or very laggy)... :\
Other... it's possible know when the user active the keyboard? It's possible show a only numbers keyboard?
For show keyboard:
For get input:
while (m_Window.isOpen() && !m_CloseApp)
// Events
sf::Event event;
while (m_Window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered)
int ckey = static_cast<char>(event.text.unicode);
if (m_pHotGUIEntity && m_pHotGUIEntity->getType() == CGUIEntity::EDITBOX && event.text.unicode < 128)
CEditBox *pEditBox = static_cast<CEditBox*>(m_pHotGUIEntity);