I strongly disagree with what kitteh was saying, or - at least - the way that it was said. It's true that to fully grasp using SFML, having a solid (preferably superhuman) understanding of C++ is required. However, it's completely up to the individual if they wish to persue its use without understanding some basic C++. Some things in SFML are easy; some are hard. Generally, the harder stuff requires deeper knowledge of C++, programming techniques and the like. However, the simpler stuff does not and SFML can be used quite easily to create applications that use graphics and sound in a simple way.
That said, learning/attempting SFML while still learning the more basic C++ can be slower. Much slower. But, as was pointed out, slow progression (due to being able to do some things that interest you) is faster than no progression (due to having no inspiration).
Although some people on these forums can be quite aggressive about learning C++ completely before touching SFML, take it with a grain of salt. Take heed of their warnings and listen to their advice but don't give up just because your C++ might not be up-to-scratch. One of the (main) reasons that people advise learning C++ first is because a lot of your errors/debugging etc. could be from simple C++ errors or actual library problems. Unfortunately, a lot of beginners with SFML assume that it's the latter and report bugs that don't exist because they made a mistake in the C++.
On the other hand, some people assume that because they're learning both together that any problem they face should be asked on an SFML forum. This leads to people here becoming irritated that they're asking C++ questions which should not need to be asked.
If people begin SFML with a less-than-perfect knowledge and understanding of C++ (or other parts that will be required with or without SFML like: compiling, building, debugging etc.) then they must understand that they will have to find most of the answers themselves and be certain that it's SFML-related before bringing the question to these forums or expect to be hit with replies like "learn c++ first".
The answers to a lot of SFML-related question can, in fact, be found on the SFML site by clicking on
Learn on the home page. This gives you links to the tutorials, (which will answer the majority of basic questions, and an occasional advanced one), the documentation, (which will answer the majority of questions not explained in the tutorials), and the FAQ (which includes some information on some of the common pitfalls).
In summary, if you have no inspiration to program using the console only, allow something like SFML to give you a doorway to the inspiration that may allow you to progress but be aware that it's a side-door and the journey is not a clean one.
p.s. I took the side door. Say hello if you see me on your journeys!