Download for Mac code if you want to build yourself code is all open source. Feel free to copy/steal.
Youtube Video of Last Update may be glitches, if so restart and try again. This game was made for fun, and is completely based off intelligent qube for ps1.
Rules -
Destroy the gray blocks using your bomb laying
Avoid destroying the black blocks
The green blocks turn into bombs, which can be detonated by Left Shift
Controls -
Instructions :
'WASD Movement'
'Space' - Activate/De-activate Tile
'LShift' - Detonate Bomb
'RShift' - Speed Up Blocks
'Press G To Start'
'Press H To Restart'
Known Glitches -
(There may be a problem with lvl 33 if you placed a mine down right before loading lvl, activation ability might not work on that lvl)
(If you stand too far up when loading blocks, they could load below you, and you are screwed)
Let me know if you find any more