Hi all,
I came across with the cocos2d-x, which I assume some of you have opinions on. I noticed that although it has MIT license it has companies around it making it to feel considerably less open than sfml. But the other side of the coin is that there seems to be more developers doing the cocos than sfml and also cocos has been used in many popular game titles.
The sfml is concentrated on abstracting window, keyboard, sound output etc and it does that very nicely. The cocos seem to have additional things also like some kind of a game engine and physics, support for Tiled tile map editor, support for particle system definitions in plist format and cocos studio for animations etc (no linux version though), texture atlas tools. Some of the aforementioned could be handy at times, the Tiled tilemaps work nicely with sfml with tmxloader (which I found after trying couple of others with less successful result) but I think there is no particle editor or support for plist particle definitions?
I understand that sfml and cocos have slightly different targets but I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge on the differences or pros and cons of the cocos and sfml. Also I would be interested to know how you find your way on the subjects where cocos has helper features (like the particle system editing)?
Best regards,