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Author Topic: GL_INVALID_OPERATION with sf::String  (Read 3020 times)

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« on: December 26, 2009, 06:07:49 pm »

I see that this issue has been discussed before so I just thought I would add some info about it.

This is what I use:
Windows 7 x64
Visual C++ 2008 express edition
SFML 1.5 (Official stable download)

As soon as I declare a sf::String anywhere in the code I get the following error at program exit:
Code: [Select]

An internal OpenGL call failed in image.cpp (769) : GL_INVALID_OPERATION, the specified operation is not allowed in the
current state

I have also tried with the example code at this location
and the same happens. As soon as I add a sf::String declaration I get the error.

I downloaded the latest trunc (Some issues with compilation due to my express version but I got the files I needed) but the error is still there.

By the way, the error only shows up when running in debug mode

After some more testing it seems to be the call to GetDefaultFont()

