latest progress looks even better, it quite noticeable when you implemented the textures.

i also working on this project too

, i have added floor and sky after struggle with realistic color of them, somehow i got it

i just added those lines in your code:
sf::RectangleShape sky({ static_cast<float>(screenWidth), screenHeight / 2u });
sky.setFillColor({ 135, 206, 250 });
sf::RectangleShape floor({ static_cast<float>(screenWidth), screenHeight / 2u });
floor.setFillColor({ 102, 51, 0 });
floor.setPosition(0, screenHeight / 2.f);
Edit: I do think it could be a problem initializing it to true if for some people the window is started in the background. But I'm not sure how to fix that. Is there anyway to know whether you're being started in the foreground with SFML 2.1?
i didn't face this problem in my OS, windows always start on focus. for those who has different OS , i not so familiar with SFML, but i think it can be done by creating extra Boolean variable just for first run and "hasFocus" can do its job later on,