Hello, SFML-Dev community, i am new to programming, i only have basic knowledge in c++, yet i was tasked to create a simple text based game(for three days)...i have already set up SFML in my computer and is working correctly, im using Code::Blocks.
on game development-I really need some help because this is really new to me, i haven't even mastered c++ yet.
ok, here are the desciption of my GAME that i should create with the help i could get from you guys.
1. Title is "Battle Tanks"-2 players, turn based.(this is an artillery game)
2. Should be 2D, textbased, no special images, tanks should be drawn in ASCII Characters(I think ill just trick my teacher to use "sprites" using an ASCII texture to draw the tank.
3. there are 3 rounds. ROUND1-EASY, ROUND2-MEDIUM,ROUND3-HARD. the tanks are stationary, the only moving part is the turret.
4. between the two tanks is an obstacle, this is also fixed in rounds 1-3, the obstacle just gets bigger as the round progresses.
questions before i start:
1. with your help guys, is this possible to do in 72 hours tops?-less the few hours of sleep maybe
2. can you please advise me the things that i should do?
3. and is it possible to ask all my questions (if they are not yet in the forum) that may arise regarding this topic in this thread?so i wont be creating topics every now and then?
--please i need help--