This is from a minidump from a remote machine. I can send in the minidump and symbols, if needed.
Crashing line:
cache.connected = joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1 + index, &joyInfo) == JOYERR_NOERROR;
index is 0
Stack trace:
dinput.dll!CDIDev_Acquire() Unknown
WINMMBASE.dll!joyGetPosEx() Unknown
sfml-window-2.dll!sf::priv::JoystickImpl::isConnected(unsigned int index=0) Line 191 C++
sfml-window-2.dll!sf::priv::JoystickManager::update() Line 88 C++
sfml-window-2.dll!sf::priv::WindowImpl::processJoystickEvents() Line 164 C++
sfml-window-2.dll!sf::priv::WindowImpl::popEvent(sf::Event & event={...}, bool block) Line 119 C++
sfml-window-2.dll!sf::Window::pollEvent(sf::Event & event={...}) Line 186 C++