I guess I was posting about this in the wrong forum. Here is what I was running into with the gradient issue:
http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=20324.0So that is fixed though, and I was able to piece together how to do either a vertical or horizontal gradient for my button control. TBH, I have been so unsuccessful getting any of the control libraries that are out there working with VB.NET, because there are virtually no tutorials. Most of the tutorials and documentation I have found has been in C++, and very limited info in C#.
Anyways, I'm making some progress on a custom control library. There are a few bugs I am still working out, and some functionality missing, but so far I am okay with what I have been able to come up with on my own:

I would like to extend this though, mainly the graphics for the buttons. Still working out how to do it, but it can (originally did) show images for the buttons. So, with the above issue solved for the gradient, I can make the gradient vertical or horizontal. I would like to see about extending this to a radial gradient, and hopefully having a rounded rectangle. I ran across this looking for an idea for a rounded rectangle shape:
https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Source%3A-Draw-Rounded-RectangleWith my limited skills, I made a failed attempt to convert that to VB.NET, and I get a flag with really weird half circles on the sides of the flag. I think it best I try to make something on my own instead, that way I may be more able to understand how it actually works.
I would like some help understanding how a rounded rectangle shape should be made? I was able to find a limited number of docs online in C++ that suggests using triangle fans...but those are way over my head, and I was lucky to figure out how to make a rectangle on my own.
Second, instead of using either a vertical or horizontal gradient, I would like to be able to use a radial gradient. The same documentation I found on this also dealt with using triangle fans...which doesn't help when it is C++.
I'm not necessarily looking for code, but it would be appreciated. But if someone can provide me a few ideas how to achieve a radial gradient effect as well as a rounded rectangle effect for a custom button control I would really appreciate it.
Note: I am also after some general ideas for being able to skin these controls, like selecting a color scheme and it apply to every customizable aspect of that control, which would make things easier instead of setting every color for every object on the control. Another thing I am looking for ideas on is the best approach to allowing the use of gradients, as well as custom images. The only thing here I can think of is on the drawing sub for the control (If ImgTexture = Nothing Then DrawGradient, Else Draw ImageTexture)...but there has got to be a more logical approach that I have overlooked.
I really appreciate any help or ideas you guys can give me...Thanks!