Can you give some specs about a benchmark that would convince you?
Any benchmark can convince me. I personally test a huge number of sprites, texts and shape with several configurations (changing the number of different images/fonts, size, etc).
I think drawing a background of 32x32 pixel tiles on a 1920x1080 resolution wouldn't convince you despite of outperforming the IM, because its not the "usual case"
That's the test that I use the most.
I'll be glad to see something outperforming IM for this situation
Of course you can't change the public API to create some big-static-precompiled-optimized geometry class/interface... I know that this kind of class would outperform the current implementation, but it doesn't fit the current public API. However, if the latest optimizations are not enough, I'll think about adding such features to SFML, but first I'd like to see if anyone really needs it. That's the purpose of this post, I really need many people to test the new implementation with many different situations and configurations.
So what should a Move-Laurent-Back-To-Batching-Benchmark look like?
So you would like me to revert to batching? What are your reasons? The new implementation is faster, simpler and removes a lot of bugs.