You could use
sf::FloatRect instead of
sf::Mouse has only static member functions, as such creating an instance of it is necessary, you can just call the functions directly like this
The mouse cursor is generally considered as a point, as such it doesn't really make sense to create a 1x1 rect. You can instead just use the
sf::Rect<T>::contains() function. Additionally you can initialize the tileRect with the constructor thus you don't have to set every property. And finally you should convert between screen space and world space with mapPixelToCoords. So it would probably look more like this:
sf::FloatRect tileRect(100.f, 48.f, 100.f, 48.f);
sf::Vector2f relativePosition = window.mapPixelToCoords(sf::Mouse::getPosition(window));
if(tileRect.contains(relativePosition)) {