Thanks a lot for your help

First, I think it would be cleaner if 2.4 update and style changes were in two different PRs. Even more if those style changes are unrelated to each other.
When updating and debugging to make sure all is well, I realized that only the release CSFML dlls were being used, making debugging a little more annoying. I fixed this by adding a (internal) CSFML class to each module (ie: SFML.Graphics.CSFML, etc) that contains an internal const string with the name of the CSFML dll to be used. It's value is determined by an #if !DEBUG switch. This allows the CSFML debug dlls to be loaded in debug mode, and vice versa in release mode.
This means that we have to ship the Debug version of CSFML with SFML.Net, right?
And the convention is to name constants in CamelCase, not in UPPER_CASE (so it should be DllName). "Dll" might also be too Windows-specific, since on other OSes we'll load dylib or so files.
I moved the Context class to the Window module, to match up with SFML and CSFML (it was in Graphics). Side-Effects: had to be made public, which I felt was okay, due to Context being publically available in both SFML and CSFML. More uniform APIs, essentially.
Fine. I have no idea why it was different in first place.
Null-Conditional operator usage. This feature is tied to the C# 6.0 compiler, not to a .NET version. So it works when compiling SFML.NET for .NET 3.5 (with VS 2015, at least). I wasn't sure if the targeted support version was for Visual Studio (C# compiler) or .NET, hence my question on this.
No need to make the internal code depend on new language features when it changes nothing for the end user, and only restricts the environments where SFML.Net can be compiled.
Style-wise, SFML.NET used two different namespace styles:
Yes, the second one looks better