Hi everyone !, I'm back, let me present you
Nero Game Engine 0.3.0 I've added many new features, the most important are Sprite_Layers and some news Sprites Manipulations
Here is a video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7msdIuvBmAThe new features are presented below, but I want to say now what I'm going to do for the next.
I will work mostly on Box2d, I first thought to build a Box2d editor, but I think it will build a scripting system instead. Box2d stuff will be described in a Lua script and the engine will build every using the script.
Now let's see the new features in more detail.
Sprite_Layersthere are now layers in the engine with some classic functions
- add/delete layer
- move layer up/down
- show/hide layer
- change the color of all sprites in a layer
- move the entire layer horizontally/vertically
- each layer is saved in a different JSON file and can be recovered as a std::vector<sf::sprite>
the system I've built allows to add an infinite number of layer, but I've restricted the number to 10, I think it's enough, and there is always at least one layer
Sprite Manipulationsthere are new sprite manipulations that allow to build scenes quickly and with intuitiveness
- copy a selected sprite (the copy can be made in any direction : left, right, up, down, diagonal), it useful for tilemap scene
- precision move (move sprite pixel by pixel, more accurate than using the mouse)
- change color
- flip horizontally/vertically
- delete by mouse click
Canvas Colorthe canvas color can be changed using some pre-configure buttons or the RGB system
Logthere is now a log that describes what's happening, the log is saved in a .txt file at the same time than graphics and physics
Auto_Savethe auto-saving saves everything every 30 seconds, I don't know if it's a good interval of time.
Loadto load something, the files just need to be in the working directory of the Scene. When Engine the startup, it tries to load Layers(graphics) and physics. So it's possible to begin a work, save it, close the engine and come back to continue
I think it's all, the last thing to remark is that the mouse position on the canvas and in the world appears on top on the Canvas.