I made an application that draws a lot of outlined circles (100-1000). And it has giant memory leaks (like 4GB after using 30 seconds). It is running 2 loops (event loop and game loop). In game loop it just updates circles position and radius. Sometimes I need to remove some cells. I'm just doing 'cells.erase(cells.begin() + index)' where 'circles' is vector of sf::CircleShape. How can i do it to not leak memory?
Game loop:
struct CellData {
sf::CircleShape cell;
sf::Text name;
sf::Text mass;
double target_x;
double target_y;
double target_size;
std::vector<std::pair<..::Client::ClientCell, CellData>> cells;
void draw_cells()
std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), [](auto &left, auto &right) {
return left.second.target_size < right.second.target_size;
for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++)
cells[i].second.cell.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(cells[i].second.target_x - cells[i].second.target_size, cells[i].second.target_y - cells[i].second.target_size));
if (!(cells[i].first.flags & 0x04))
cells[i].second.cell.setFillColor(sf::Color(cells[i].first.color[0], cells[i].first.color[1], cells[i].first.color[2]));
if (cells[i].first.size > 20)
cells[i].second.cell.setOutlineColor(sf::Color(cells[i].first.color[0] / 2, cells[i].first.color[1] / 2, cells[i].first.color[2] / 2));
Cell remove code:
for (int a = 0; a < remove_cells.size(); a++)
for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++)
if (cells[i].first.id == remove_cells[a]) {
cells.erase(cells.begin() + i);