Hello everyone

. So after months i finally got my engine done. Engine uses SFML 2.4.1. Gravity simulation I made, worked fine on my computer (which runs Windows 10) without any error, but when I gave my friend a simulation, he got an error which says "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer".
http://imgur.com/a/be3lEAfter that, I tried a simulation on my laptop which runs Windows 7. And I got an error but with different message. I looked at internet for solution and I found I need to install Visual C redist 2015. After installing, I tried running a simulation and got the same error as my friend. After that day, my friend told me simulation worked fine on his computer which runs Windows 10. So I concluded that build is only for Windows 10. My question is how do I make my simulation compatible for all Windows. Thanks