Hi Tank,
I plan to use your nice gui for my OAW project (see signature) because CEGUI is too big and too difficult to use, and Guichan does not correspond to my needs (ex : font support is done by image...).
So I've got the sources but I can't compile sfguy library with cmake, SFML does not seem to be linked and included in you Cmake file, so I have to add cpp files directly in my project, and that is a bit ugly...
Here are my modifications of CMakeLists :
# Modified by Pierreyoda (2010)
add_library( sfml )
target_link_libraries( sfml-audio sfml-graphics sfml-window sfml-system ) # Does not work
# End of modification
But it does not work...
So is it a bad method or is it an oversight on your part?