I deleted and then re-installed Code::Blocks and the fork, Mingw32-64. Then deleted the Mingw that came with Code::Blocks. Using CMake; built the Release and Debug Versions of SFML (32-bit, SJLJ). Tested it. Worked.
Less than a minute after i ran the test program, I figured out what I did wrong.
What I did wrong was I downloaded SFML (Dwarf), but my Code::Blocks compiler was (SJLJ). Codeblocks uses the TDM version of MinGW.
For those of you having installation problems, I found out there are two different compilers for the gcc family that aren't labeled as such. Dwarf and SJLJ. The difference between them is the way each one handles exceptions. You can't mix (Dwarf and SJLJ) compilers, executables, object code, and DLL's . They all have to be the same type; one or the other.
One weekend. Down the drain.