The build errors for the dfl example seem to be coming from DFL unable to link to DSFML modules, I dunno why.. But expanding the build call from dfl and using it with xfbuild instead will compile the example.
I get a window with a nice 3d cube, and I can select mouse or keyboard input, but nothing seems to react to the mouse or keyboard. But at least the example doesn't crash.
Anyway, here's my batch file to build samples\dfl\dflsample.d:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "files="
set "derelict_libfiles="
REM ~ Configure these as needed:
set "dfl_import=C:\dfl\import"
set "dfl_lib=C:\DMD\dmd2\windows\lib\dfl.lib"
set "derelict_dir=..\..\..\lib\derelict"
for %%i in (*.d) do set files=!files! %%i
for %%i in (%derelict_dir%\*.lib) do set derelict_libfiles=!derelict_libfiles! %%i
@echo on
xfbuild %files% +v +xcore +xstd +o..\bin\ -release -O -inline -I..\..\..\import -I%dfl_import% -L/exet:nt/su:windows:4.0 %dfl_lib% -version=DFL_EXE %derelict_libfiles%