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Author Topic: Another Snake Clone  (Read 2477 times)

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Another Snake Clone
« on: December 29, 2017, 02:29:51 pm »
Hello everyone,

i wanna show you my actual project, its another Snake Clone.
Its actually in "Demo Mode" xd
Link for the download: Snake.7z
Code is in my Github(but its not every time actual).

- Windows OS(just tested it on Windows 10)
- SSE and rdrand feature of your CPU could be nice
- About 60-80MB Video Ram
- Pixel Shader Support

Some Details:
- Actually 2 "maps"
- Different items to get score/speed/health
- An autokill function, otherwise you could play it infinite
- Pause
- Speed Up Items x2,4,8 are not really x2,4,8, because it would be to fast for you ;-)
- Not directly dead if you hit a wall or the snake themself. Game decides the next movement
- You can control the snake with the Arrow Keys, Escape is for pause

Dev Details:
- Compiled with C11 and gcc on Windows 10. (Codeblocks)
- CSFML used
- Sounds are from freesounds
- Pictures are self created with gimp
- tile based maps, a big picture file + tile data file

Known Bugs:
- Setting & Highscore system got some bugs(setting page has only 15-30fps oO)
- Sometimes Items are spawned in the same position as other items, so maybe you wonder why you picked a food item, and you get faster or get health, iam actually not sure, where the problem is.
- After get died, a weird sound appears in the finish screen.
- The Auto Direction Set for Wallhit/Selfhit is not 100% working. A "Deadlock" Moving(like a spiral) will sometimes not cause a direct dead, sometime the snake moving through themself.

Next Steps:
- searching item spawn problem
- cleaning up my header managment and structure managment(actully its a big dumping ground xd)
- Rework Settings & Highscore subsystem
- Split CSFML subsystem and Menu subsystem(actually in one file)
- Rework completly menu subsystem(need to make more generic)
- implement the enemy subsystem
- implement the event subsystem(needs an enemy subsystem, blank part in level are existent)
- making a little syscheck subsystem(for checking for sse and rdrand)
- maybe rework Movement View(if youre near the wall, you will see black outside the map)
- making it complete in english, actually is mixed with german and english language^^

A picture:

My actually highscore in the map 2 is 14.332. Maybe you could beat me^^

Any criticism, proposals, tips are welcome!

Greetz MOP
My Github Repo:
Deep Deep Deep in Development