I though we finally desided in that recent discussion, that we want to start moving forward with SFML again. And while keeping the API freeze in place use deprecation to implement new features. This would be such a case
I know it feels a little clunky to have 2 calls now to open a window in fullscreen instead of one. Thats why I originally proposed to have state as a parameter in the window constructor. Laurent argued against it, since the same can be accived with a initially hidden window that is then put into fullscreen state. The new API is also more powerful in the ragard, that you can make all the changes to a window, before showing it.
Sooo I uploaded a first implementation for MacOS. Not everything works, but it gives you an idea and can serve as a foundation for further discussions. You can find it in my
feature/window_state branch.
So here are some implementation questions for MacOS. I haven't programmed a lot of Objective C (none actually
) so some questions might be easy to answer.
* when do I use self and when nil as parameters on NSWindow functions (both seem to work)?
For the Hidden Style, calling orderOut directly after window creation doesn't hide the window. Actually on OSX right now it doesn't work if you do this: sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Example");
From my test setVisible only starts working after the second run trough pollEvents.
I did look into what other librarys or people on the web did (there isn't much), but they all seem to be using orderOut.* The fullscreen state is not implemented yet, as I'm not quiet sure of how to go best about it. It would probably need some refactoring of the init methods. I would need some input from mantognini on this.
* Also I get warning for the WindowImplDelegateProtocol methods not being implemented for SFViewController. From what I see the implementaion has to be dupicated, right? I am not sure what the design is here.
So yeah I mostly need mantognini input on the Mac version
I will try to start a windows implementation tonight.
edit: fixed one bug! also list and [ s ] together seems to be broken