Well you see.... I do have the community edition... Guess I'll have to reinstall Visual Studio
For the time being I got it to compile using the following steps:
Follow the
Tutorial right up before the cmake step.
Follow the steps
here just to compile cmake
Set the cmake path variable to the bin folder of the above step. If you want to use the examples then add the
Run the cmake step in the SFML-for-Android tutorial
nmake && nmake install
Go to [ndk-path-here]\source\sfml and add this line:
TARGET_ARCH_ABI := armeabi
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
Now go to the android example folder and the example compilation steps on the tutorial page should work.
Result should be in android/bin/NativeActivity-debug.apk.
[PS. I did all of this in a separate partition, so I had to set a few environment variables myself.]