I've done this and it seems to work... save for the routine I made for displaying the actual FPS... It greatly fluctuates from 64 to 66 when I run the app instead of staying locked at 60...
void CommonFunctionClass::DisplayFPS(sf::Clock Clock)
{ sf::Sprite GFXframeDigits10(IMG_Digits);
sf::Sprite GFXframeDigits1(IMG_Digits);
sf::Sprite GFXframePeriod(IMG_Digits);
sf::Sprite GFXframeDigits01(IMG_Digits);
float Framerate = 1.f / Clock.GetElapsedTime();
Framerate *= 10;
int frameInt = (int)Framerate;
int ShownFPS10 = frameInt / 100;
int ShownFPS1 = frameInt % 100 / 10;
int ShownFPS01 = frameInt % 10;
ShownFPS10 *= 16;
ShownFPS1 *= 16;
ShownFPS01 *= 16;
GFXframeDigits10.SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(ShownFPS10, 0, ShownFPS10+16, 20));
GFXframeDigits10.SetPosition(568, 450);
GFXframeDigits1.SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(ShownFPS1, 0, ShownFPS1+16, 20));
GFXframeDigits1.SetPosition(584, 450);
GFXframePeriod.SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(160, 0, 176, 20));
GFXframePeriod.SetPosition(600, 450);
GFXframeDigits01.SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(ShownFPS01, 0, ShownFPS01+16, 20));
GFXframeDigits01.SetPosition(616, 450);