Do you limit your framerate, with SetFramerateLimit or UseVerticalSync?
No, neither. I did try setting VerticalSync to true as well as FrameLimit to 60, but same result. 50-55%. I turned them back off.
UPDATE: Well, I did take out this line just to see what would happen and I got a very strange result.
//Wait to get a proper time in-between frames...
/* bool bGo = true;
while (bGo)
{ float Time = frameClock.GetElapsedTime();
if (Time >= 0.0166)
bGo = false;
Removing that got the CPU to be okay, but the frame rate went to like 34. But the WEIRD thing is I let the game go for a while and as soon as like 200 bullets were on the screen it was fine!!! I killed off the enemies and then the game went back to a crawl...
So it seems like the game having to update more makes the game go faster, which makes no sense!
The title screen also doesn't go very fast, and that updates very little...