I just took a quick look over your project...
You are using quite a lot of raw pointers, which most of them are never deleted (= memory leak).
One example would be your
sf::Font *FontArray;
this->FontArray = new sf::Font[Fonts::MAXSIZE];
// never deleted...
Many of them are not required in your project and if you really need pointers, use smart pointers.
Nowadays (since C++14) you don't even have to use the new keyword yourself.
There is also some inconsistency in your coding style, as if multiple people work on it, like:
float yScale // camelCase
sf::RectangleShape *Left_side // Snake_case
sf::String OrgString // PascalCase
#include "Textf.h" // in Textf.cpp
#include <Textf.h> // in main.cpp
I know that looks like not a big deal, but for some people it is, just don't make it a bad habbit
Anyways, keep it up!