I found this old piece of code on a french website:
// Fenêtre de rendu
RenderWindow app(VideoMode(600, 600, 32), "Mon superbe polygone SFML !");
Shape carre;
carre.AddPoint(200, 200, Color(255, 255, 0), Color(255,255,255));
carre.AddPoint(400, 200, Color(255, 255, 0), Color(255,0,0));
carre.AddPoint(400, 400, Color(0, 255, 255), Color(0,255,0));
carre.AddPoint(200, 400, Color(0, 255, 255), Color(0,0,255));
carre.EnableFill(true); // Remplissage activé
carre.EnableOutline(true); // Bordures activées
carre.SetOutlineWidth(20); // Bordures de taille 20 pixels
This picture is the result one should acheive ->
https://user.oc-static.com/files/254001_255000/254040.jpgAll the member functions in the code seems to be outdated.. What class or function should I use to get an equivalent result as shown in the picture link?
I've tried ConvexShape.. worked fine to build a simple shape but couldn't get that cool colorful shape.
Thank you