Hello, help me please. I want to do scrollbar for my Rectangle with Ships.
Give advice or class / method for implementing this idea on c#.
Code C#:
this.iMenuShips = new Image(@"..\Content\Textures\Interface\form_ships.png");
this.tMenuShips = new Texture(this.iMenuShips);
this.tMenuShips.Smooth = true;
this.sMenuShips = new Sprite(this.tMenuShips);
this.sMenuShips.Position = new Vector2f(980f, 0f);
#region Ship1_lock
iShip1_lock = new Image(CONTENT_DIRICTORY + "Interface\\ship1_lock.png");
tShip1_lock = new Texture(iShip1_lock);
tShip1_lock.Smooth = true;
sShip1_lock = new Sprite(tShip1_lock);
// sShip1_lock.Scale = new Vector2f(1f, 0.9f);
sShip1_lock.Position = new Vector2f(1000, 40);
#region Ship2_lock
iShip2_lock = new Image(CONTENT_DIRICTORY + "Interface\\ship2_lock.png");
tShip2_lock = new Texture(iShip2_lock);
tShip2_lock.Smooth = true;
sShip2_lock = new Sprite(tShip2_lock);
sShip2_lock.Position = new Vector2f(1000, 150);
#region Ship3_lock
iShip3_lock = new Image(CONTENT_DIRICTORY + "Interface\\ship3_lock.png");
tShip3_lock = new Texture(iShip3_lock);
tShip3_lock.Smooth = true;
sShip3_lock = new Sprite(tShip3_lock);
sShip3_lock.Position = new Vector2f(1000, 260);