Hi all,
is::Engine 2.1 is available and brings a lot of new features:
Support for recent development tools : C++ 17, SFML 2.5.1, Android NDK 20
The SDM (Step and Draw Manager) system : allows you to automatically update and display the objects of a scene (e.g. Level).
All you need to do is create a Class that inherits from
MainObject (the engine base class), then implemented the
step() (update) method and
draw() (this is optional because is::Engine does it for you), then add the object in the list of SDM objects to manage and that's it!
SDM also allows you to manage the display depth of each object (very useful for making 3D effects in a 2D game).
Note that you have the choice to decide when the SDM will automatically update or display the objects.
With SDM the source code of your game is better structured!
The GSM (Game Sound Manager) system : allows you to play a sound or a music without using an
sf::Sound, sf::SoundBuffer and sf::Music object.
The SDM and the GSM were used in the example that accompanies the version 2.1 of the engine.SDM was used to manage objects of the GameLevel class, and GSM in all parts of the engine.
Please see
the example to see how these two (2) systems work.
Creating games with is::Engine has never been so Fun!