I'm having a tiny brain fart and sorry if it seems very simple to figure out, but i cant seem to rotate a line. I'm using 2 points using
sf::Vertex lines[] = {
sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(pos.x + ret.getRadius(), pos.y)) // <-- this one is the radius line
w.draw(lines, 2, sf::Lines);
sf::Vertex lines[2];
lines[0].position = sf::Vector2f(pos);
lines[0].color = sf::Color::Yellow;
lines[1].position = sf::Vector2f(pos.x + ret.getRadius(), pos.y); // <-- this one is the radius line
lines[1].color = sf::Color::Yellow;
w.draw(lines, 2, sf::Lines);
its for my stroke circle. I want to rotate just the radius line around the circle's center point around and around like a spinning radar and cant seem to use rotate or transform on these lines, or maybe I'm doing it wrong? I can rotate an image using trig but thought this may be possible as well