1) Yes that's i thought, so every item i draw will be a rectangle, i wondered with there was a program that could transform any drawing, by looking at the pixels valors (0 or different from 0), into a script describing multiple items (triangles and rectangles) that form in the end one final complicated item similar to the one i draw in paint.
2) Fx8qkaoy, well i wanted to make it happen inside the program, let's say we have an item that collects other items, first item can be moved using keyboard, other items cant, until they are touched by first item, first item becomes bigger and thus the played can now move first item+ new item attached to it.
That was the plan.
3) Yes i see, thank you.
I am just starting SFML after folowwing a tutorial, but i realise a lot of research and experimentation has to be done. It's great to have this anyways.
I am prety sure there is still a lot i don't know