Hi, I am a beginner at SFML and am making a Pokemon copycat. I need help with displaying the exact same window on the screen for a few seconds. For example, when Pokemon use attacks, the text bar will display which attack they used for ~2 seconds. My current "fight menu" (where you select which attack to use) code follows this layout:
case sf::Event::KeyPressed:{
if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::A){ //player selects the attack they are currently hovering over
usleep(2000000); //sleep for 2 seconds so that this window stays on screen
//opponent uses an attack
usleep(2000000); //sleep for 2 seconds again for the opponent's attack
//loop back to player's turn
The problem is that if I do it this way, my program still picks up Events during the 2 seconds of sleep. So if you spam 'A' during the 2 seconds of sleep, the program will immediately repeat the same attack after the opponent's attack ends. How can I stop events from being collected while displaying these extended windows? Or is there a better way to display an extended window? Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!