GnoozeHey guys! Our new game is finished: I hope you like it

Brief description:Gnooze is a 2D action and reflex game with smooth, elegant, Asteroids-like gameplay and unique scifi/ comic graphics.
Game manual:In order to concentrate on the gist the game manual is included in the package you can download below.
Story:The main server D7 of the well-known "Rabbitshare" filesharing company has been hacked a couple of minutes ago in order to contaminate its data with the dangerous, brandnew "W32Goshawk" worm. The staff was able to fix the security hole so as to avoid further intrusion, but conventional security software is just able to spot the evil software not to delete it. There is not much time left! Goshawk has to be eliminated in order to prevent the the whole world from being contaminated with the worm by the filsharing service. You as a popular hacker are the last hope: Use your self-made, graphical Tool "Goshawk Noose" (alias "Gnooze") to delete the worm from the D7 server, bit for bit.
Features:+ New, unconventional style of graphics
+ Smooth gameplay
+ 3 completely different, unique weapons
+ 10 levels with varied backgrounds
+ 5 different kinds of enemies
+ 3 levels of difficulty...
+ … which you can change anytime, even while playing
+ tricks for the pros
Screenshots: presentation and battle of the developers: Who of them will win?
Watch it here (German language):
Technic:Programming language: C++
IDE: Visual C++ 2008
Libs: SFML 1.6
Graphics: Photoshop CS4/ Gimp, Google SketchUp
License:We decided to use a "Creative Commons" license, which offers more freedom compared to the German copyright ( You are free to spread the game!
Credits:Simon Weber "VanEldo" (me): idea, project management, programming
Lukas Pracht "Syrenion": graphics
Thomass Eccard "2Invention": background music
Download:, no waiting time!)
We want your feedback and appreciate any constructive criticism
If you got any technical issues, please do not post it on this topic and send me a PM instead!Have fun playin' !
Greetz, Eldo.