I'm having problem with documentation page. It seems incomplete for me. For just minimal example :
https://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.5.1/classsf_1_1RenderWindow.phphas no information, that I can do sf::RenderWindow.draw(sf::VertexArray,sf::Texture*). Am I suposed not to use this draw method? I don't think so, because I've seen it somewhere in tutorial, otherwise I would had no way of knowing it exists.
To be clear I'm using this function and it is working for me, but it's not specified anywhere.
I could understand that maybe VertexArray has some conversion to VertexBuffer, or something, but all "draw" functions from specification don't have anything simmilar to having texture as second parameter.
I'm using Qt Creator and it also cannot detect all functions that are avaiable for me (tho it has no problems with finding symbols in other libraries). It is actually even worse than documentation page, since it finds only 2 draw functions.
Ah, I forgot to mention, that I treversed inheritance tree too and it isn't specified anywhere there too. Perhaps I missed something. That would be most probable explaination..
Edit : Aaaah, I see
RenderStates(const Texture* theTexture);
class SFML_GRAPHICS_API VertexArray : public Drawable
those two lines explain everything for me. Should have watched what VertexArray is and what can RenderStates contain.
It was kind of shady for me that Texture gets converted to RenderStates implicitly, but now I see what RenderStates are and I like it.