So I'm checking out someone's Tron code from YouTube, which is basically like 2 player Snake. Towards the end he adds in a shader for the 2 players.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <time.h>
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sf;
const int W=600;
const int H=480;
int speed = 4;
bool field[W][H]={0};
struct player
{ int x,y,dir;
Color color;
player(Color c)
x=rand() % W;
y=rand() % H;
dir=rand() % 4;
void tick()
if (dir==0) y+=1;
if (dir==1) x-=1;
if (dir==2) x+=1;
if (dir==3) y-=1;
if (x>=W) x=0; if (x<0) x=W-1;
if (y>=H) y=0; if (y<0) y=H-1;
Vector3f getColor()
{return Vector3f(color.r,color.g,color.b);}
int main()
RenderWindow window(VideoMode(W, H), "The Tron Game!");
Texture texture;
Sprite sBackground(texture);
player p1(Color::Red), p2(Color::Green);
Sprite sprite;
RenderTexture t;
t.create(W, H);
t.clear(); t.draw(sBackground);
Font font; font.loadFromFile("F:/Fonts/Sansation.ttf");
sf::Text text("YOU WIN", font, 35);
text.setPosition(W / 2 - 80, 20);
bool Game=true;
auto shader = new Shader;
if (!shader->loadFromFile("shader.frag", sf::Shader::Fragment)) std::cout << "Failed to load Shader\n";
shader->setUniform("frag_ScreenResolution", sf::Vector2f(W, H));
sf::RenderStates states; states.shader = shader;
while (window.isOpen())
Event e;
while (window.pollEvent(e))
if (e.type == Event::Closed)
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Left)) if (p1.dir!=2) p1.dir=1;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Right)) if (p1.dir!=1) p1.dir=2;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Up)) if (p1.dir!=0) p1.dir=3;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Down)) if (p1.dir!=3) p1.dir=0;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A)) if (p2.dir!=2) p2.dir=1;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D)) if (p2.dir!=1) p2.dir=2;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W)) if (p2.dir!=0) p2.dir=3;
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S)) if (p2.dir!=3) p2.dir=0;
if (!Game) {
for (int i = 0; i < speed; i++) {
p1.tick(); p2.tick();
if (field[p1.x][p1.y] == 1) { Game = false; text.setFillColor(p2.color); }
if (field[p2.x][p2.y] == 1) { Game = false; text.setFillColor(p1 .color);}
field[p1.x][p1.y] = 1;
field[p2.x][p2.y] = 1;
/* CircleShape c(3);
c.setPosition(p1.x, p1.y); c.setFillColor(p1.color); t.draw(c);
c.setPosition(p2.x, p2.y); c.setFillColor(p2.color); t.draw(c); */
shader->setUniform("frag_LightOrigin", sf::Vector2f{ (float)p1.x,(float)p1.y });
shader->setUniform("frag_LightColor", p1.getColor());
t.draw(sprite, states);
shader->setUniform("frag_LightOrigin", sf::Vector2f{(float) p2.x,(float)p2.y });
shader->setUniform("frag_LightColor", p2.getColor());
t.draw(sprite, states);
////// draw ///////
// window.draw(sf::Sprite{ t.getTexture() });
return 0;
And here is the shader itself
uniform vec2 frag_LightOrigin;
uniform vec3 frag_LightColor;
uniform float frag_LightAttenuation;
uniform vec2 frag_ScreenResolution;
uniform sampler2D texture;
void main()
vec2 baseDistance = gl_FragCoord.xy;
baseDistance.y = frag_ScreenResolution.y - baseDistance.y;
float d = length(frag_LightOrigin - baseDistance);
float a = 1.0/(frag_LightAttenuation * d);
vec4 color = vec4(a,a,a,1.0) * vec4(frag_LightColor, 1.0);
vec4 t = texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
if (t[0]>color[0]) color[0]=t[0];
if (t[1]>color[1]) color[1]=t[1];
if (t[2]>color[2]) color[2]=t[2];
He originally was using setParameter and I know that was deprecated so I'm thinking something here is no longer correct? What happens is the screen is just completely green, much like it would be if you used window.clear(sf::Color::Green).
Along with that this was in my console output:
An internal OpenGL call failed in shader.cpp(466).
GLEXT_glUniform1i(binder.location, x)
Error description:
The specified operation is not allowed in the current state.
One last thing, I changed the casted floats to sf::Vector2i and it was the same, except now it just continued to spam this error in the console box.
Thanks, everyone, hope the beginning of your year has been great.