I usually avoid makefiles at all costs, so this is my memory from about 20 years ago, but iirc...
In your original makefile, the line:
g++ -I src/include -c main.cpp
compiles the file main.cpp, which generates the main.o file.
g++ main.o -o main -L src/lib -l sfml-graphics -l sfml-window -l sfml-system
says to take main.o and the sfml libraries and link them all together to output the final executable called main.
But game.cpp is never compiled into game.o, and game.o isn't linked with main.o.
CPP files are compiled independently. Then they need to be linked together into a single program.
So you'd need something like:
all: compile link
g++ -I src/include -c main.cpp
g++ -I src/include -c game.cpp
g++ main.o game.o -o main -L src/lib -l sfml-graphics -l sfml-window -l sfml-system
(Or maybe game.o main.o. I can't remember if the order there matters in that situation)