made this game(in the screenshot) in game maker a while back.
Now i wanna remake it as open source, and in c++ with SFML and mappy tile editor
I'll add more than just zombies as enemies, I'll add robots, aliens, no people though, cause that may be offensive to some folks in the world
I'll keep the teammate thing, but it'll be harder to call them in, and they'll be tougher so they stay with you longer
Moddable weapons, im not sure what that means yet
Have special configuration, where you play as an innocent civilian, or a zombie, or a chicken, or any of the other NPC's, ill only change the player sprite, the who's the enemy config options in the aliens, people, zombies....
Also cars, all the normal video game weapons for aliens and soldiers, mini gun and rockets for robots, melée for zombies, and maybe a super breed of zombies that shoots guns at you
A nearly text free HUD and menu, for easy internationalization, and handicapped settings, for practice, and who knows? maybe a handicapped person will play my game and use those settings
but these are all still ideas, i still got a lot to do before i have something like my game maker game
if you have any ideas, or requests, or anything just post a reply