I was closer than I thought! I finally figured it out. Here's my code:
sf::RectangleShape MakeLine(sf::Vector2f StartPoint, sf::Vector2f EndPoint, sf::Color LineColor, float LineThickness)
float VectorX = EndPoint.x - StartPoint.x;
float VectorY = EndPoint.y - StartPoint.y;
float Distance = sqrt((VectorX * VectorX) + (VectorY * VectorY));
double Angle = atan2(VectorY, VectorX) * (180 / 3.14159265359);
sf::RectangleShape Line(sf::Vector2f(Distance, LineThickness));
Line.setOrigin(0.0, LineThickness / 2.0);
return Line;
I'm trying to follow the advice to use RectangleShape to make lines (with thickness), but I'm stuck on the math. I have the start and end points, but I don't know how to turn that into the length, position, and rotation of the rectangle.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!