I encountered a problem when trying to use a gamepad or joystick that is connected in the middle of program execution.
I have this minimum code:
// See https://aka.ms/new-console-template for more information
//Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
using System;
using SFML.Audio;
using SFML.Graphics;
using SFML.System;
using SFML.Window;
namespace sfml
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string TITULO = "Test Input";
string VERSION = "0.0.1";
//Selección estilo de ventana
Styles auxStyle = Styles.Default;
//Creamos el objeto windows
RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), TITULO + " v " + VERSION, auxStyle);
window.Closed += (_, __) => window.Close();
window.JoystickConnected += (o, e) => gamePad_connect(e);
window.JoystickDisconnected += (o, e) => gamePad_disconnect(e);
//Variable propias de este contexto, como color de renderwindow o auxiliares para shader
Color backColor = new Color(0,0,255); //Color de fondo
int Joystickcount = 0;
for(uint i=0;i<8;i++){
if (Joystick.IsConnected(i)) { Joystickcount++; }
Console.WriteLine("Total de Joystick: " + Joystickcount.ToString());
//Ciclo principal
while (window.IsOpen)
//***** Rutinas especiales como actualizacíon de gamepad *****
int newJoystickcount = 0;
for(uint i=0;i<8;i++){
if (Joystick.IsConnected(i)) { newJoystickcount++; }
if (newJoystickcount != Joystickcount) {
Joystickcount = newJoystickcount;
Console.WriteLine("Total de Joystick: " + Joystickcount.ToString());
if (Joystick.IsButtonPressed(0,0)) { Console.WriteLine("Joystick 0, button 0 "); }
window.DispatchEvents(); //Control de eventos
window.Clear(backColor); //Limpiamos la pantalla con el color de fondo seleccionado
static void gamePad_connect(JoystickConnectEventArgs e){
Console.WriteLine("Joystick " + e.JoystickId.ToString() + "conectado");
static void gamePad_disconnect(JoystickConnectEventArgs e){
Console.WriteLine("Joystick " + e.JoystickId.ToString() + "desconectado");
If I have a joystick connected and I run the application, it is detected and can be used without problem.
If in the middle of the execution I disconnect the joystick, the disconnection is detected, the number of connected joystick is updated.
then i reconnect the joystick, the connection is detected, the number of connected joystick is back to 1 and i can use the joystick again, so far everything works as expected.
The console output:
Total de Joystick: 1
1661 Joystick 0, botón 0
Total de Joystick: 0
Joystick 0 desconectado
21 Failed to create DirectInput device: -2147467259
578 Failed to create DirectInput device: -2147221164
Total de Joystick: 1
Joystick 0 conectado
554 Joystick 0, botón 0
The program '[10288] test_input.dll' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The problem occurs when I launch the app without the joystick connected.
If, during the execution of the program, I connect the joystick, you can see that it actually triggers the "JoystickConnected" event. But I don't have access, since all the joysticks of "Joystick.IsConnected" mark false.
I have tried to force read with
"if (Joystick.IsButtonPressed(0,0)) { Console.WriteLine("Joystick 0, button 0 "); }"
But it doesn't work, it's like SFML detects that the joystick was connected, but doesn't give access to it.
Total de Joystick: 0
Joystick 0 conectado
Joystick 0 desconectado
Failed to create DirectInput device: -2147467259
Joystick 0 conectado
The program '[4728] test_input.dll' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Is it necessary to do something to be able to access the Joystick or is it a bug?
Windows 10.
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="SFML.Net" Version="2.5.0" />