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Author Topic: Qalm  (Read 3313 times)

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« on: May 22, 2023, 04:54:59 pm »
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Hi! :)

A while ago, I began creating a music editor based around an SFML music player that I created. That is, a functioning music 'performer' that plays back music in a similar way to how MIDI does, using only SFML audio module.

That is QALM!

While I all-but-abandoned the main editor due to frustration over the struggle between SFML and user-created windows, a few mini-apps were also created during that time.
It would be fair to say that those mini-apps were not finished but they are, in general, in a working state.

So... I shall provide you with Windows executables (64-bit only) of a couple so you can tinker and hopefully have some fun.

Qalm Instrument Editor

Here, you can create instruments designed to be used with the Qalm Player engine (the core of all of Qalm).
However, you can 'play' the current instrument in real-time using the computer keyboard!
An instrument can be just a single sample (so it allows you to play a sample back at musical pitches) or multiple samples mapped to different pitches (allowing multi-sampled pianos or drumkits!).
Some instruments are provided for testing.

You can also use the created instruments in the other provided app... the Tracker!

Qalm Tracker

This is a functioning Tracker - a music creation tool with a specific style using vertical time. It does function but many expected functions have not been added yet.

You can create your own music using your instruments with tracker-style effects.

Major restrictions include:
- it always loads the same song file (test.qts). You can copy it and move them around but it always loads the same filename each time. If you delete it, it will create one (allowing you to start from scratch).
- it always loads the same instruments. This is a pretty tight restriction, unfortunately. It loads them from a file, though, so replacing those instruments with different instruments but give them the same filename will allow you to use other instruments.

Note that it come pre-loaded with something I composed to test some things.

Here's a video clip of the pre-loaded song playing back:

I hope you have some fun with these.
I had fun making them and I hope to get back to working with them some more in the future.
Remember that everything is using SFML sound buffers and sounds! 8)
When I am more happy with the Player engine, I plan to release the code so you can use it to playback your creations in your programs!

Another Qalm mini-app I have created in a converter that allows you to convert MIDI songs to Qalm songs and then the Qalm Player can play them back with the instruments you created!

The following downloads are for Windows 64-bit only and are Zip folders.
The are each completely self-contained and can be run from wherever and should not need any admin control.


They also contain some basic documentation to help use them.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 06:26:37 pm by Hapax »
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Re: Qalm
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2023, 06:27:13 pm »
Here's a short video of Qalm Tracker playing back the pre-loaded song:

and a screenshot of Qalm Instrument Editor when in Live Play mode:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 06:53:26 pm by Hapax »
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